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Wednesday 21 August 2013

coptic °we did not hold prayers ins the monastery on Sunday for the first time in 1.600 years.

coptic °we did not hold prayers ins the monastery on Sunday for the first time in 1.600 years.

Christians in Egypt are bracing themselves for more jihad attacks. "Minya churches cancel second mass for first time in 1,600 years. The egyptinaindependence publish thise http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/minya-churches-cancel-second-mass-first-time-1600-years Minya churches canceled on Sunday the second mass, holding only  a brief one. Meanwhile, prayers did not take place at other churches which were attacked.
Priest Selwanes Lotfy of the Virgin Mary and Priest Ibram monastery in Degla, south of Minya, said, “We did not hold prayers in the monastery on Sunday for the first time in 1,600 years.”
“Supporters of deposed President [Mohamed Morsy] destroyed the Virgin Mary and Priest Ibram monastery, which includes three churches, one of which is an archaeological site. One of the extremists wrote on the monastery wall ‘donate to the martyrs' mosque,'” Lotfy added.
Minya churches canceled on Sunday the second mass, holding only a brief one. Meanwhile, prayers did not take place at other churches which were attacked.
Priest selwanes lotyy of the Virgin mary and priest Ibram Monastery in Degla. South of minya,said, °we did not hold prayers in the monastery on Sunday for the first time in 1.600 years°.

Supporters of deposed president )Mohamed morsy) destroyed the virgin mary and priest Ibram monastery. Which includes three churches.one of which is an archaeological site.one of the extremists wrote on the monastery wll°donate to the martyrsù musque. Lotyf added.

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