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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Crisis between Obama and the Pentagon on a plan to invade Egypt.

Crisis between Obama and the Pentagon on a plan to invade Egypt.

Raised the statements made by U.S. President Barack Obama to channel « Sea. Said. Said»  American about Egypt recently reactions of many,  and questions multiple about the fact that the U.S. position on the current events on the Egyptian arena.  has identified Obama the U.S. position as Next:  - to cut U.S. aid to Egypt will not force the interim government of Egyptian change their positions,  
which means that it needs to be procedures harsher and more violent.  - that the continuation of the situation in Egypt, according to what is being  inconsistent with the value system of America is intended Here the issue of democracy and human rights.  - that the Egyptian army missed an opportunity to find a solution to the crisis raging in Egypt,
 that the army is responsible and not the Muslim Brotherhood on the developments in the situation and the prevailing violence in the country now.  came Obama's remarks are contrary to reality,  and inconsistent with the facts prevailing known, and the goal is to ignite the situation, especially after the success of the Egyptian government to contain the situation and the reduction of sit-ins and demonstrations and acts of violence planned by the Brotherhood based on the U.S. and western support limitless.
 reports were diplomatic reach Cairo during the past few days, confirming that there are secret meetings held in Cyprus and Germany to confirm that the scheme began to take serious steps in the presence of representatives of the intelligence agencies in both the United States, France, Britain, Israel, Germany, Turkey and Qatar.  The plan revolves around the number of of the points highlighted:  - escalate the situation of Homeland via demonstrations and sit-ins and acts of violence lead to the loss of more of the dead in order to keep the situation tense and inflamed,  
so as to implement the planned International sponsored by these countries and brought results.  - to gain time in Egypt in light of the continuing This situation would remain political and economic decision Egypt in a state of paralysis.  - seek to pre-empt moves Egyptian Arab and international levels, including helping to blockade the role of Egyptian diplomat and makes it unable to influence the positions of countries that reject the developments of the situation in Egypt.  - that the decision to confrontation taken by the Egyptian administration broke up Aatsamy fourth Adawiya and renaissance recently was a surprise  unexpected participating countries,
 especially that all previous reports confirmed that the Egyptian administration would not dare to resolve Alaatsamin in light of the attitudes and international pressures that were practiced against Egypt.  - to bet the West positions of Egyptian Copts had bet a loser,  private that their position conflicts with the positions the United States and many other countries their support for the Transitional Administration and their refusal to respond to events in the country, which led to the burning of dozens of churches and monasteries,  where the Western countries are betting on the position of the Copts request protection,
 However, despite the contacts which took place with them,  refused all our strength to respond to actions taken against them,  and opposed any form of foreign interference,  as they began to incite American churches and Western support for the Transitional Administration in Egypt.  - that the use of Muslim Brotherhood and its allies in the escalation of violence and the use of terrorism means against society and its institutions different had informed  impact on the decline charts International,  and confusion accounts,  
where seemed behaviors Brotherhood on the Egyptian arena like a similar behavior tribal barbarism in the attack, without the expense of poor planning which led to thwart the opportunities were available under the government was reluctant to take a decision at this time.  - to review the situation the western and U.S. Pat need now to be based on the re-unification and coordination of positions under the supervision of a uniform.  This was the third meeting of  series of meetings that have been held at the British base in Cyprus and Germany, which followed the success of the Egyptian revolution.
where the meetings were held in  2 and August 8 In Cyprus  16  August in Germany.  That it recalled asking the question about the fact confusion that prevails in decision-making circles in the United States,  and whether Washington was bent already on the implementation of this scheme in the light of the strong opposition of many of these circles, most notably:  - position the U.S. State Department:  with the beginning of the revolution was the U.S. State ossification in her remarks to move the People Egyptian,  and reduce talk about « coup»  and in an attempt to absorb what is happening in Egypt,
but after the failure of all the envoys Americans and Westerners to Egypt became the position of the U.S. State clear and declared and consistent with the extreme position of National Security Adviser U.S. and began « John Kerry»  Minister of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the National Security Adviser « Susan Rice»  in claim President Obama to begin in the Declaration of sanctions on Egypt starting to cut off aid and assistance down  for military intervention,
 a position playing the Turks and Qataris an important role in public and secret in order to convince the U.S. administration that what happened in Egypt was « military coup»!!  2 - position of « Sea. Any. Er »Hotel As for the position of CIA and the CIA. Any.  er »  came in line with the position of the U.S. State Department and National Security with regard to halt aid and assistance and military activities in common with Egypt, but he expressed caution of U.S. military intervention against Egypt, in any form,  and lack of consideration for the position of Egypt alone.
  but to countries in the region all of us and the world as well,  on the grounds that if it happened any military intervention in Egypt, all the papers overlap and the nature of alliances will change will be the U.S. interests at stake,  must be set up global front and wide, covering such an intervention if it happened, and it seems so far it  is not possible in Egypt,  and that if Washington had succeeded in forming the largest global alliance against Iraq enabled the invasion and direct military intervention,  but that Washington would not find it stands with them or covered in any aggression on Egypt of any kind or form.
 Third:  position of the Ministry of Defence before this map complex,  resorted U.S. President «Obama»  to « Pentagon»  to look at the possibility of deciding penalties gradient and mounting on Egypt and thinking later form of direct military intervention.  came request of President Obama Having failed the American administration in the course of the leadership of the army for refusing to respond to them,  especially after he realized the Obama administration to influence and control over the Egyptian decision are fading since the success of the revolution  30  June and that it can not impose its hegemony on the Egyptian decision,  especially that Chairman of the Provisional State and the Prime Minister and Defense Minister reject all policy dictates of America,  and say:  The interest of Egypt and its people are the foundation.
 I started the American administration consider suspicious to the hostile attitude of the army and its commander General Lieutenant Sisi toward U.S. policy,  allegedly rejected the American intervention in Egyptian affairs.  came position « Pentagon»  to demand President Obama as follows:  - that all of America's goals and interests in the Middle East and the Arab region will be exposed to the risk of real case the feet of Washington to decide military intervention against Egypt.  and select «  Pentagon » these risks in terms of importance and ranking as follows:  first - the security of Israel:  According to a report«  Pentagon » that Israel's security would be compromised and real aggression from all fronts surrounding starting from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza and possibly Jordan in the future ,  and Community « jihadist»  wherever they exist,  and it will be covered and support the Arab comprehensive,  and the Gulf States Home can not deal with Egypt,  also dealt with Iraq and Syria.  - As Iran will take advantage of this opportunity and working on ignite the region, according to its interests.
  The report pointed out that Russia and China Stagafan without hesitation and with full force along with Egypt and alliances Arab,  and there will be a split in the European position,  and lose the United States some of its European allies key.  - and here will be the effort achieved by the United States in Decoding the isolation of Israel and the imposition of its presence in the region through peace agreements declared and secret with many Arab countries at risk,  and will intensify the conflict in the region against Israel,  and will return Israel back to its isolation in the region and will be seen as an occupying and hostile and rogue,  and that it would that makes Syria and Iraq and the Gulf, Lebanon and possibly Iran and other stands one row behind Egypt.
 II - obstruction of secure access to energy sources and oil:  We have confirmed report « Pentagon»  to secure access to all sources of oil and energy will be part of the equation danger because all carriers oil will be in the line of fire and various destinations which would hamper the arrival of energy and oil to Western countries and the United States safely.  In addition, the report argues that there is a position expected from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states,  will be conducted at the initiative of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Saudi Arabia will be similar to the position of King Faisal in the October War  1973,  but this time in a more comprehensive and more,  and the announcement to stop exporting oil and will be for a longer period for that period, which has been under which ban oil Arab in  1973,  and that affected the larger this time will be the countries of Europe,  and that Iran will also participate in the ban which makes Europe a hostage to oil and Russian gas.
 Thirdly - the risk of safe navigation in the Suez Canal:  report noted « Pentagon»  to safe navigation in the Suez Canal is unlikely under these circumstances serious consequences that would result from any military aggression where there is no guarantee for the security of navigation and vessels transiting the Canal important was the crowd of military forces because terrorist acts can not face up crowds,  the contrary, increase the military build-up will enable the terrorist groups of the strikes and the success of which would be U.S. troops more likely to be targeted by terrorist suicide.
 The report said: « must remember history well,  when we paid with large numbers of Marines to Lebanon in the past century,  and how it has become such forces targets for the forces of terror and the extent of the losses suffered by these forces,  which called on the U.S. administration to withdraw them as soon as possible,  This was the title of a clear defeat for the United States ».  The report pointed out that America will not be the only player in the region,  Therefore, Russia, China and Iran will not remain silent in the case of U.S. control of the Suez Canal ,  and will switch the United States from countries seeking to stabilize the region into an occupied country will suffer about that long,  This is in addition to that the American people can not be accepted or allowed to turn his country into force  gas for the benefit and protection of others.
especially that President Obama arrived to the White House under the slogan « withdrawal of the last U.S. troops working outside the United States and get away as possible from direct intervention in the problems of the world via fight U.S. wars by proxy».  IV - fears of the loss of the Arab market as a market importer of weapons the U.S.:  The report issued More « Pentagon»  to the importance of preserving the Arab markets and the markets of the Middle East's largest importer of arms deals American and military aggression on Egypt would threaten these markets,  and will be the military industry and U.S. exports in the wind,  especially Russia and China have become Mahlten and fully for such transactions and are  weapons the U.S. seriously,  and perhaps even join France to them also.
 The obsession biggest monitoring report « Pentagon»  He is obsessed with China,  that the Chinese industry has become invade most of the Arab markets and there vogue global them in terms of their ability to compete with American goods and European in terms of quality and price.  The report said « It was observed during the recent years that most«  Accessories » Arab armies clothing and equipment is simple being imported from China through local traders are importing,  and this position is supported and backed by Russia Because Russia consider positively to the role of Chinese economist complement to its military and political, especially in « Pacific»,  Although states  many Arab, including the Gulf states started to think in the process of diversifying the sources of arms,  because it believes that Israel get weapons U.S. outstanding, effective and monopolized,  while you get these countries on the weapon backward from that,  and even got a weapon sophisticated they get it after the approval of Israel's terms humiliating and at a higher cost.
 The « Pentagon»  in response to demand Obama that there will be more than ten million Egyptian under arms and terrorist groups and Islamic organizations will participate in the hit American presence and struck Israel even cheered Brotherhood of this intervention.  The report confirmed that there would be an arms embargo the U.S. to Egypt,  often open all the Gulf countries warehouses of weapons the U.S. to supply the Egyptian army do without permission of the United States of America.  The report said that the position of the Gulf states toward Egypt will stand firm and steadfast and will not change whatever the pressures Exercised United States,  because these countries are Egypt's strong is the safety valve her first,  addition will emerge Syria from its isolation and will stand Besides Egypt,  and there are signs on the coordination Egyptian-Syrian,  army Egyptian stand against any aggression against Syria is against the fall of Assad by force,  and Syria offset in the same position,  and all this will restore the relationship with Iran after the approval of the Gulf states,  and will be for Iran in the light of This regional role after succeed in calming fears the Gulf,
especially that Turkey although Ola voice currently in incitement against Egypt, but they will not dare to actual participation in any aggression against Egypt,  and will not allow the use of its territory and airspace for that,  and will pay a heavy price, both on the level Homeland through popular uprisings or from external aggression by induction of the Kurds in Syria, Iraq and Iran against Turkey.  The report emphasized that any form of U.S. intervention in Egypt will change the map of the region again,  and a situation of instability will prevail for many years,  But in the end you will wake up the region and the world.
  on the map of new alliances are America and Israel, the biggest losers where having achieved stability.  has recommended « Pentagon»  at the end of his non-direct intervention in the Egyptian crisis, even if sanctions or blockade because it  is not feasible,  and constitutes a provocation to Egypt and the Gulf states,  especially that arms the U.S. semen prevented from Egypt is no longer monopolistic,  Fbamkan Egypt refueling of its Gulf Arab states,  and I've got Saudi Arabia to the approval of the Gulf Arab states, including the UAE and Kuwait to finance arms deals New to Egypt from any source,  and Saudi Arabia are able on their own to compensate Egypt for annual aid the U.S. that offer them,.
 which is guaranteed by Saudi statement latter who represented a coup in the schemes of the West and the U.S. administration against Egypt.  The report pointed out that the abolition of maneuvers shining star with Egypt recently does not have any negative impact on Egypt,  because the first beneficiary  is the U.S. military and not the Egyptian army,  and therefore Egypt does not feel any loss of recall by the abolition of these maneuvers, but the loss will be on the U.S. side as they attempt aimed at aggravating and strained U.S. relations Egyptian.
 The report pointed out that the greater of the United States requires the survival of the current situation for what it is,  either return to the democratic path through the roadmap as agreed upon by the European countries, central and either enter the Egyptian administration in the new Egyptian army war of attrition with long terrorist organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis even  exhausted Egypt all sources of power,  contrast  is drained all the forces  terrorist  region and this would be a great service to America and Israel and their allies,  which would turn the Great State  Egypt  failed state as a result of this attrition.  and support « Pentagon»  report the details of his consultations with the Israeli government.
 where he Gen. « Dmssa»  Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. visit to Israel more than once in  past period,  as delegations, however, Israeli military many visited the United States for consultations in this regard.  and numerous contacts took place between the U.S. Secretary of Defense « Hegel»  with Israeli Defense Minister « Moshe Ya'alon»  and position « Pentagon»  This came in coordination and harmony complete with Israel's position for easy passage in the U.S. Congress in the event raised because the interests and security of Israel two decisive criterion in the U.S. Congress.
 The report « Pentagon»  also a reference to the position of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz said that along with the position of the UAE hardline upset the situation upside down in the region as a whole,  and will be Iran and Russia are the primary beneficiary of that and fall Forever power equation centrist or moderate allied with the United States.  The report recommended that President Obama that warns clash with the leaders of the Egyptian army with the new political leadership in Egypt because that would have serious repercussions on the interests of America and Israel in the region.

 The report called for the need to treat the American administration with fait accompli in Egypt and focus on reconciliation and proceed with the road map,  because that would be given a good message to the rest of the peoples of the region.  The report emphasized the U.S. that the information received from inside and outside Egypt refers to the control of the new administration on the situation in the country,  and to decline organizational performance and protest of the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies, which enhances the view of the need to change the image of the United States to the Egyptian people and the peoples of the region from a hostile to a friendly country respects the choice of the Egyptian people.

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