The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and All
Africa has canonized Archdeacon Habib Girgis. Habib Girgis was not a priest or
bishop, yet his amazing life and ministry has made great contributions to the
Coptic Orthodox Church.
Habib Girgis
(1876-1951): the sanctity of the ordinary.
the June 20, 2013 the Holy Synod , chaired by SS Tawadros II, declared
holy Patriarch Cyril VI , the " pope praying " , already a saint in
the hearts of many Copts , and the Archdeacon Habib Girgis , one of the fathers
of the Coptic reformism . Both , in different ways, represent two icons of an
era of schemes which the Copts are still suffering today.
Habib Girgis was not only the inventor of the " catechism " as
we know it today. In fact, he was basically a teacher who took to heart the
education in the broadest sense in an era in which it was in a deep crisis.
The Community Council and the Seminary Clerical
Habib Girgis was born in a context in which the tensions between clergy
and laity had reached levels paroxysmal . In 1874 , two years before that St.
Habib saw the light in the neighborhood of al- Azbakiyya of Cairo (his father
was a native of Tema, in Upper Egypt ) , Isma'il Pasha, Khedive of Egypt and
grandson of Muhammad ' Ali , issued a decree which established the first
Community Council ( المجلس الملي ) consisting only of lay Copts.
Historiographical conflicting versions make it impossible for now to say in a
trenchant who was the instigator of this proposal. According to some he was the
patriarch of the time, Cyril V (1874-1927) , who wanted to open a laity
demanding , for others , Cyril V fiercely opposed to the idea of the Council
whose birth was imposed on him by a group of notables westernized secular and
hostile to the conservatism of the clergy and his dominance on the heritage of
the Church, who felt marginalized and who claimed to play a greater role . The
nineteenth century, moreover , was characterized by the proliferation of
Catholic and Protestant schools much more organized than those with a Coptic
religious and lay much more prepared. The comparison was inevitable. One of the
first decisions that took the Council , in fact, was the founding of a school
to train clergy .
In October 1874 Philotheus Ibrahim was appointed the first dean of the
new religious school that was made to depend directly by the patriarchate . The opening
of the Seminar Clerical ( الكلية الإكليريكية ) - so it was called the institute - which
took place January 13, 1875 , with a ceremony presided over by the Patriarch
himself, was hailed as a return to life, after thirteen centuries of the old
School Alexandrian who had stopped working in the sixth century . Although , in
the opinion of many , the seminary was only a more than modest and faded memory
of the glories of the ancient Alexandrian institution , however it represented
the only experiment in a vacuum general education . Priests and bishops , for
many centuries before that, they had no religious or secular training and often
unorthodox ideas samples were dictated by ignorance. The Seminar was soon
closed for lack of funds and students, but reopened in 1893 thanks to the
efforts of Hanna Bek Pachomius . Only twenty-four students were admitted
including Habib Girgis , then seventeen years old, who was assigned to complete
the course ( five years). It is worth mentioning that Habib studied at the
school of the Coptic Quarter of Cairo Acquaioli ( حارة السقاين ) , a few
steps from the current Tahrir Square , which was founded by Patriarch Cyril IV
reformer (described here) where among other things you also studied Italian as
a curricular subject .
With the reopening of the seminary curriculum changed : in addition to
Arabic, Coptic , history, geography and mathematics ( compulsory subjects )
students were required to study a range of subjects religious theology, liturgy
, canon law , church history and rhetoric. Habib In 1898 he graduated and began
teaching in the same institution until he became dean in 1918.
The era of Habib Girgis was characterized by reviewing programs on the
basis of the curricula of theological institutions abroad, mainly Catholic , to
improve the academic standards of the Seminary . In 1931 , he built the Church
of the Virgin Mary inside the seminary. Then it was the turn of the evening
schools which took part also Gayyid Nazir , subsequently Pope Shenouda III. In
addition, not without difficulty and cost of logistics , Habib actively
contributed to the establishment of branches in other cities in Egypt .
Habib Girgis and Cyril V
The relationship between Habib Girgis and Cyril V was particularly close
and affectionate. Habib was one of the main collaborators and advisers of the
Patriarch until his death . Because of his skills as a talented speaker , Cyril
V gave him the license to lay homilist . In addition to teaching at the
Seminary , he began to wander to Egypt to preach in the churches. According to
one of the biographies of the saint, Father Paolo Basili , known preacher , he
said Habib :
It seems to me that Habib has preached from the very first day of life .
He is a born preacher .
Another famous anecdote is related to his public speaking skills . When
Ahmad Pasha al- Minshawi , one of the leading Egyptian nationalists , he was
released after being arrested by the British occupiers , Habib wrote a speech
for him . The politician it remained so moved by giving him 250 guineas (for
the time a rather substantial sum ) that Habib added to the bottom of that time
was creating for the renovation and expansion of the building of the Seminary
of Cairo.
In those same years , given the efforts of Habib , the Patriarch
ordained him archdeacon and bought a house adjacent to the building of the
Seminary . To thank him , it seems that Habib intestò this house to the
Patriarch and built him an apartment patriarchal always attached to the
Seminar. Some biographies say that the pope really appreciated : "This
will be the second seat of the patriarchate ."
The Sunday Schools
Habib Girgis also instituted the movement of itinerant teachers who were
meant to go around the villages in order to catechize the children , in an era
in which illiteracy was at very high levels . But certainly what has made it
known Habib Girgis among the Copts is the movement of Sunday Schools ( مدارس الأحد ), which he
founded and directed until his death.
After spending several years as teacher and homilist , Habib felt the
need to address the new generations. It was necessary to Habib Girgis , that it
would create a new generation of young, educated and aware of their religious
and cultural traditions , which could , on the one hand , to train other
generations in turn and reform the Church from within , on the other counter
the dominance Catholic and Protestant in the fields of education, especially
religious . Communication strategies and teaching of the missionaries and their
economic certainly exceeded those of the Copts of this era. The holy pictures ,
printed in Rome , were introduced in Egypt just by Catholic missionaries and
exerted a powerful influence on Copts who could bring their favorite saint .
Habib Girgis supported the Patriarch in an attempt to keep the Copts linked to
their mother church and performed for this purpose , numerous Pastoral Visits
with him. Do not forget that the era of Habib was characterized by a strong
anti-colonial nationalism, particularly in the light and this certainly
influenced the guidelines of the saint.
So it was that in 1900 , only twenty-four, Habib started to organize
meetings catechetical for children and teenagers in which they taught, with new
methods for the time, the Holy Scriptures and hagiographic literature ,
focusing especially on the element of copticità . Treading the peculiarity
Coptic ( reading the scriptures , art and history of the saints ) you wanted to
make kids aware of the specificity of their church that was put in contrast
with the others. These meetings were called " Sunday schools " . The
name , as well as the method , was inspired by the experience certainly
Anglo-Saxon Protestant . It is known , in fact, that the name " Sunday
school " was coined by the British philanthropist Robert Raikes (
1736-1811 ) . The first meetings took place in a villa in via Rawd al- Farag ,
Shubra , a working class district of Cairo with a Christian majority .
Gradually the idea was successful : Habib always encouraged and recruited new young
catechists , with a renewed enthusiasm , embraced the idea and exported the
"method Habib " in an increasing number of churches in Cairo and
other cities and villages Egypt , not without the opposition of some more
traditional clergy . As new communities that joined the movement , began to see
a divergence in the guidelines : in some circles was the favored monastic
literature and the need to get away from the world ( known is the example of
St. Anthony Church in Shubra ) , there were those who favored the lives of the
martyrs , those who still emphasized the importance of integration in the
surrounding community . All families of catechists , however, were united by a
single common thread : to reform the ecclesiastical institution from below . In
1941 he held the first conference of the catechists of the Sunday schools in
which about five hundred people attended from all over Egypt.
The " Sunday schools " became a hotbed in which pedagogical
formed Copts who became ministers , priests, bishops and patriarchs. The
movement became the school from which came some of the most famous and
influential figures in contemporary history of the Coptic Church . Pope
Shenouda III , the bishop Arsanio of al- Minya and Abu Qurqas , Metropolitan
Athanasius of Bani Suwayf and al- Bahnasa , Bishop John of al- Gharbiyya ,
Bishop Samuel for social services , Bishop Gregory for Advanced Studies Copts
and Hegumen Matta El Meskin are all students of Sunday schools . In addition,
the Sunday schools patronized publications and magazines , seminars and
conferences. In a church where religious instruction had been shrinking to only
Sunday homily , often incomprehensible of all children and young people, Sunday
Schools represented a revolution in the understanding of religious education .
In 1947, twenty-four years after the closure of الكرمة (al- Karma , The vineyard ; 1906-1923 )
who was the preferred channel for the teachings of Habib Girgis , saw the light
of the first issue of " Sunday schools " . It was the official
magazine of the movement of which he became director in 1949 Gayyid Nazir ( lay
surname of Pope Shenouda III). The aim was clear : to expand as much as
possible the range of influence of the new thinking . Since the first issue the
magazine put it quite clear his reformist orientation . The cover spoke more
than many words : in evidence was the image of Christ who, with one hand
pointing straight ahead, and the other holding a whip. In an editorial opening
of Henry al- Khuli read:
Under the mighty hand of God Almighty we publish the first issue of
Sunday Schools [...] Our aim is not merely swell the number of religious
publications but rather to make us spokesperson for the revival of the Coptic
community . More than half a century has passed by the call for reforms
welcomed by all but almost nothing has been done in this regard. We are
determined to knock on the doors of the reform to get a new life.
The magazine continued in this vein until the end. There were many
articles critical of the ecclesiastical institution , to the corruption of the
patriarchs (notably Joseph II ) , bishops and priests , either directly or
indirectly. Despite the harshness of tone movement always remained peaceful
unlike other reform movements , such as The Nation Coptic ( الأمة القبطية ), which ,
inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Free Officers , adapted more violent
methods .
There is no doubt that Habib Girgis was inspired by the people who
wanted to fight . Accompanying the Patriarch in his pastoral visits to Egypt ,
was able to see up close the pious practices especially the Protestant
catechism afternoon , singing , prayer individual freedom . In this period the
composition by the famous saint of the song ( ترنيمة ) "My Coptic Church " ( كنيستي القبطية ) in which
wove the praises of the Coptic Church survived in spite of the terrible
persecution because they loved and protected by the Lord. He also published a
book titled The spiritual songs of the Coptic Church ( الترنيمات القبطية للكنيسة القبطية ) , an
anthology of spiritual songs written in his own hand . Habib realized that if
you wanted to stop the bleeding of the Coptic Church must act proposing a
viable alternative to the attractions of the other churches ( to deepen the
discussion on Sunday Schools should read the exceptional work of Reiss 1998).
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San Habib Girgis (in red) in the middle of the other teachers of the Clerical Seminary. At the center of the patriarch Cyril V.. |
Habib Girgis published numerous books that brimmed for many years a
theological and spiritual vacuum . Among these are: The seven sacraments of the
Church ( أسرار الكنيسة السبعة ) , The rock of orthodoxy ( صخرة الأرثوذكسية ) , a study
in which he compares the three main Christian denominations , The consolation
of believers ( عزاء المؤمنين ) , The precious treasure in the synthesis
the Holy Scriptures and sacred history ( الكتاب الأنفس في تلخيص الكتاب والتاريخ
) popular book on the Scriptures , the mystery of godliness ( سر التقوى ) . Among
other things, also published in 1909 the first book of religion ( "
Summary of the origins of the faith" ) after obtaining from the government
that children could study Coptic Christian religion in public schools. These
books for courses in religion would then multiplied in subsequent years.
Because of his experience as an archdeacon , as a teacher and as a
member of the Community Council , was invited by Cyril V to attend sessions of
the Holy Synod . It was through that experience behind the scenes as he could
write his most famous publication : The practical means to reform the Coptic
Orthodox Church ( الوسائل العملية في إصلاح الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية ) . To
speak of the need for a radical reform in the Coptic Church , Habib uses a
literary device : his soul hovers in the air and sees two characters converse
animatedly : Ghayur bin Ra'd and ' Adil bin ' Arif . The first , Ghayur (note
that the name literally means Zealous Son of Thunder ) is a passionate
twenty-five , reformist recently, who blames the backwardness only to the
clergy and who is willing to renew the church by violence, is the revolutionary
current . The second ' Adil Bin ' Arif ( Righteous Son of Knower ) , forty,
great connoisseur of the Coptic Church , a friend of the clergy, represents the
moderate current . Both decide to turn to an elder, Waddah Bin Raja '
(Illustrator Son of Hope ) , wise and balanced , which begins by saying :
Yes, my children . The reform is the goal of every single person in this
country [ Coptic ] and the aspiration of every soul . With all the forces must
aim to achieve it. In what is the glory and the pride of every Coptic . Poor is
the nation that is lived from an early age , in a terror of immense size and
has been subject to persecution which, if they had come upon another nation ,
they would certainly reach extinction. But for the generosity of God we are not
missing . And recently , this nation has opened my eyes and was awakened by
going in search of his lost glory. All her people and those who love her hope
for you as well and hope to be able to see the beginnings of this reform before
his death, as Moses saw the Holy Land from the sacred mountain .
After explaining the reasons for the crisis of the Coptic Church and the
enmity between the laity and the clergy, Habib Girgis proposes an action plan
for reform that was never put into practice.
A beloved teacher
At the beginning of 1951 the health of Habib Girgis began to be
precarious . The students came and went from his house praying and singing the
songs he composed. In thousands greeted the body Habib Girgis on the day of his
funeral , in August 1951. In the fortieth of his death, September 28, 1951 ,
some disciples expressed their affection for their master. Among these Wahib '
Atallah that a few years later would become bishop of Superior Studies Copts
under the name of Anba Gregory after obtaining his doctorate at the University
of Manchester :
What will I say ? I'm not used to sing the praises of people still
alive. But now the time has come to speak. There is a time to be silent and a
time to speak . What will I say ? I can not speak in the spiritual presence of
this great preacher . I will not repeat the words that he taught us to fear
that they do not lose their strength if the pronunciassi . You had a heart so
full of love for all , without distinction between friends and enemies. Did you
serve everyone. You've been wonderful, a teacher of love and forgiveness. Your
strong faith in God has kept away from you despair despite the many obstacles
that you encountered in your way. Did you have a great mind , able to understand
the secrets of the world and the spirit. You fought all his life to keep you
pure in heart and thought , banishing any love for the money and the fame .
A few years later Nazir Gayyid (the future Shenouda III) composed a poem
by Habib Girgis , later published in his book The liberation of the spirit ( انطلاق الروح ), of which
translate the first two stanzas :
This is your mercy :
faith , then love.
You, who are you? Perhaps here there is an apostle ?
You are a generous heart that embraces
You , the source of sweetness gushing
You are father and we , my father,
your many children
This is your world :
thorns and cross.
You are brighter than an apostle ,
You're a heart that has lived a whole generation ,
a people who lived
You are tender , you're sweet , you're love
Love on your chest ,
lived going in search .
With the death of Habib Girgis closed an era. Shortly after , many of
his students, including himself Nazir Gayyid , found it impossible to change
things through culture and education , they decided to continue the work
reformist , to undertake the monastic way , the only that he could offer them
access to high ecclesiastical offices .
Habib Girgis , a saint "ordinary"
I believe that the canonization of Habib Girgis represents a historical
fact to be reckoned with . For the first time in centuries a layman [1] rises
to the dignity of a saint in the Coptic Church . A layman , unmarried , who
lives his faith in Christ in his normal everyday activities . Not that you want
to belittle the historical role played by this pioneer. No doubt the Coptic
Church would not be as it is today without him. The Sunday schools have
gathered around him the paintings that have governed the church of the last
forty years, and their method has survived to the present day . Habib Girgis is
the amount Coptic Egyptians of the great reformers of the late nineteenth
century as Kamal al- Din al - Afghani and Muhammad ' Abdu (attesting that the
matter pedagogy and culture - as well as other issues - concerned and covers
the entire nation and not merely a confession ) .
Yet there is no record of miracles , visions of bilocation ,
extraordinary works etc. . The first message that the canonization of Habib
Girgis spear is , therefore, certainly this : holiness is not the prerogative
of the patriarchs , bishops , priests , it is not the prerogative of the great
ascetics . We must not be monaco to become saints. Does not necessarily spring
in the desert : Habib Girgis is an inhabitant of our contemporary cities , a
chaotic city , messy and overcrowded as Cairo. Holiness - Habib Girgis tells us
- is a free gift that God offers to those who remain faithful in his love for
him in everyday life , at their place of work, in their relationships,
difficulties in everyday . Habib Girgis will certainly become the symbol of
zeal for the house of the Lord (Ps 68.10 ) . Holiness is for everyone if we
remain faithful to Christ wherever we are . The second message that I seem to
grasp is related to being a saint Habib educator and reformer : the Coptic
Church has need of educators, pedagogues , masters, teachers, people who are
willing to risk their lives for reform the Church from within. It needs people
who undertake to study and then in turn form new generations. I think the Holy
Synod has wanted to offer an inspiring model , an intercessor , to all those
who wish to move their steps on this path . Even this way , like so many other
ways , if pursued with love, dedication and spirit of sacrifice, leads to
holiness .
The figure of Habib Girgis has not yet received the attention they
deserve. We hope that his canonization stimuli researchers and scholars of
contemporary Egyptian history to let us know in more depth this important
figure of the last century , before the Egyptian Coptic , and his numerous
writings .
A final note : Pope Tawadros II commissioned the Diocese of Melbourne ,
Australia, the official icon of this contemporary saint that will be written by
Ashraf Gerges .
[1] In the
Coptic Orthodox Church is the diaconate , in theory, the lowest rung of the
clergy. However , at least the recent ecclesial practice of the Coptic Church
considers it as the highest step of the laity.
Cannuyer, Christian (1994). The Copts. Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia, url:
Gibrael, Michael (1991) (translated from Arabic). Archdeacon Habeeb
Guirguis. Sidney. Sunday School Central Committee.
Habib el-Masri, Iris (1982). The Story of the Copts. II. Newberry
Springs. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery.
Reiss, Wolfram (1998). Erneuerung Koptisch-orthodoxen in der Kirche. Die
Geschichte der Koptisch-orthodoxen Sonntagsschulbewegung und ihrer die Aufnahme
Reformansätze in den Erneuerungsbewegungen Koptisch-orthodoxen der Kirche der
Gegenwart. Hamburg. LIT-Verlag.
متى المسكين: الراهب والبابا. Documentary. Manufactured by IFilms
Media. Directed by Iyyad Salih.
البابا شنودة:
رحلة مؤسسة ومسيرة بطريرك. Documentary. The first part. Manufactured
by Aljazeera. Directed by 'Abd al-Rahman' Adil.
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