ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስትያን ፡ናይ ቫቲካን ፓፕ ቨነዲክቶስ መበል 16 በገዛእ ድልየቶም ስልጣኖም ሓዲጎም።
Pope Benedict is
to resign at the end of this month after nearly eight years as the head of the
catholic church saying he is too old to continue at the age of 85.
ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስትያን ርእሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ፖፕ በነዲክቶስ መበል 16 ብምኽንያት ሕማም በገዛእ ድልየቶም ስልጣኖም ከም ዝሓደጉ ሎሚ
ሃንደበት ኣብ ዝሃቡዎ መግለጺ ኣፍሊጦም።ማዝያ 19 2005 ኣብ ወዲ 78 ዓመቶም ናብ ስልጣን ብምርጫ ዝመጹ ወዲ 86 ዓመት ፖፕ በነዲክቶስ ብወለንትኦም ስልጣኖም ምሕዳጎም ዓቢ ታሪኻውን ሓላፍነታውን
ክብሉ ብዙሓት መራሕቲ ዓለም ገሊጾም ኣለዉ።
ኣብ ዝሃቡዎ መግለጺ፡ኣነ ይኸብደኒ ስለ ዘሎ ፡ከምዚ ኢለ ቤተ ክርስትያን ክመርሕ ኣይክእልን ኢየ፡ጥዕና ድማ ሓደ ኣገዳሲ ነገር
ብምዃኑ ፡ብ ገዛእ ድልየተይ ስልጣነይ ንውሕስነት ቤተ ክርስትያን ክብል ሓዲገ ኣለኹ ኢሎም ።በዚ መሰረት እቶም ዕለት 28 ለካቲት ናይዚ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ወርሒ መወዳእታ
2013 ሰዓት 20፡00 ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ ፖፕ ሮማ ድሕሪ ሓደ ደቂቅ
ኣብ ዘሎ፡ስርሖም ደው ከብሉ ኢዮም።ካብኡ ብምቅጻል ድማ ቤተ ክርስትያን ካቶሊኽ ሓድሽ ምርጫ ፖፕ ብቀጠታ ክትገብር ኢያ ።
ኣብ ታሪኽ ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስትያን ንፈለማ ግዜ ዝኾነ ኣጋጣሚ፡ነቶም ክሳዕ ዝሞቱ ከም ርስቲ ስጋ ስልጣን ቤተ ክርስትያን ስራሕ
ምኻኑ ረሲዖም ኣብየተ ክርስትያናት ዝርምሱ ዘለዉ ኣረጋውያን መራሕቲ ኣብያተ ክርስትያናት ዓለምና ዓቢ ኣብነት ኢዩ ይብሉ ተዓዘብቲ።እዚ
ብፍላይ ናይ ሓበሻ ቤተ ክርስትያን ካብዚ ክመሃሩ ንትስፎ ይብሉ ገለ
ሃይማኖታውያን ተዓዘብቲ ካብ ደምበ ሓበሻ ኣብያተ ክርስትያናት።
ዝፍለጥ ናይ ኤረትራ ናይ ኦርቶዶክስ መራሒ ቀዳማዊ ኣቡነ ፍሊጶስ ከምኡ እውን ኣቡነ ያዕቆብ ብሰብ ተደጊፎም እንዳኸዱ ቤተ ክርስትያን ከም ዝመርሑን።ከምኡ እውን እዞም ዘለዉ ብዕልዋ ናብ ስልጣን
ዝመጹ ተወገዙ ኣቡን፡ ኣቡነ ደስቆሮስ ብሰብ ተደጊፎም ከም ዝኸዱን፡ዓቅሚ ናይ ምምሕዳሮም ደኺሙ፡ናይ ምርሳዕ ክእለቶም ናብ ዝለዓለ
ጥርዙ ከም ዝበጽሐን በዚ ምስ ኣማሓዳሪ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስትያን ኣቶ ይፍታሀ ኣብ ብዙሕ ኣነ ኣይፈረምኩሉን ብምባል
ከም ዝሰሓሓቡን፡ መሳርሒ መንግስቲ ብምዃን ኣብ ዕንወት ቤተ ክርስትያን ከም ዝርከቡን ንዕዘቦ ዘለና ሓቂ ኢዩ።
ግን ኣቡነ ፍሊጶስ ክሳዕ ሰብ ምልላይ ዝስእኑን ክሳዕ ዝሞቱን ከም ዘመሓደሩን፡በዚ ድማ ብዙሕ ግዜ ብስሞም ንሶም
ዘይፈልጡዎ ፈርማታት ሰሪቅካ ይጸሓፍ ከም ዝነበረን።የእምሮኦም ኣንኳን ከመሓድርሲ ንኸተመሓድሮም እኳ ኣብ ኣጸጋሚ ኣብ ዝነበርሉ
ቤተ ክርስትያን ይመርሑዋ ከም ዝነበሩን፡ ምንጭታት መንበረ ፓትሪያርክ ይሕብሩ።
ብምብጋስ ድማ ቀንኣት ብሃይማኖቶም ዝኾኑ ኦርቶዶክሳውያን “ፓትሪያርክነት ግደይ ግደኻ ትበሃለሉ ናይ ዕበት ዋጋ ዕዳጋ ዘይኮነስ።ስራሕ
ምኻኑ ክፍለጥ ኣለዎ። ዓቢ መንፈሳውን ሓላፍነታውን ተልእኾን ምዃኑ ተፈሊጡ፡ኣብ ድሕሪ ህጂ ዝግበሩ ምርጫታት፡መምዘኒ ፓትሪያርክነት
ብዒበት ዘይኮነስ ብኽእለትን ብደረጃ ብቅዓትን ክውሰን ኣለዎ “ይብሉ ተዓዘብቲ።
ኣቢሎም ናይ ቡልጋርያ ፓትሪያርክ ብገዛእ ስልጣኖም ጥዕናኦም እንዳ ኣንቆልቆለ ምስ ከደ ከም ዝሓደጉ ዝዝከር ኢዩ።
ናይ ሎሚ ሃንደበታዊ ኣጋጣሚ ጀርመናውያን ብጣዕሚ ኣስንቢዱዎም ኣሎ።ከምኡ እውን መራሕቲ ዓዲ እንግሊዝን ፈረንሳን፡ጀርመንን ዘለዎ ኣድናቆትን ናእዳን ብምግላጽ፡ሓቀኛ
ጉስነት፡ሓላፍነት ዝመልኦ ስጉምቲ ኢሎም ክምጉሱዎም ከለዉ።ናይ ዓዲ ጥልያን መራሕቲ ድማ ን ቤተ ክርስትያንን ንኢጣልያን ሓደ ዓቢ
ዘደንቅ ታሪኻዊ ፍጻመ ኢዩ።ክብሉ ዘለዎም ክብሪ ገሊጾሞ ኣለዉ።ብተወሳኺ እዚ ናይዞም ፖፕ ስጉምቲ ሃንደበት ብምኻኑ ኣብ ዓለም ስንባደን
ድንጋጸን ከም ዝፈጠረ ምዕዛብ ተኻኢሉ ኣሎ።
ኣምላኽ ትጉህ ጓሳ ክህቦም ንካቶሊካውያን ኣሕዋትና ኣብ ኣምላኽ
ተስፋ ንገብር።
ሃይማኖተ ኣቦው።
Pope Benedict XVI is to resign at the end of this month after nearly eight years as the head of the Catholic Church, saying he is too old to continue at the age of 85.
The unexpected development - the first papal resignation in nearly 600 years - surprised governments, Vatican-watchers and even his closest aides.
The Vatican says it expects a new Pope to be elected before Easter.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope in 2005 after John Paul II's death.
The BBC's David Willey in Rome says the move has come as a shock - but adds that in theory there has never been anything stopping Pope Benedict or any of his predecessors from stepping aside.
Under the Catholic Church's governing code, Canon Law, the only conditions for the validity of such a resignation are that it be made freely and be properly published.
But resignation is extremely rare: the last Pope to step aside was Pope Gregory XII, who resigned in 1415 amid a schism within the Church.
Doctor's advice
A Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said that even Pope Benedict's closest aides did not know what he was planning to do and were left "incredulous". He added that the decision showed "great courage" and "determination".
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti is quoted as saying he was "greatly shaken by this unexpected news".
The brother of the German-born Pope said the pontiff had been advised by his doctor not to take any more transatlantic trips and had been considering stepping down for months.
Talking from his home in Regensburg in Germany, Georg Ratzinger said his brother was having increasing difficulty walking and that his resignation was part of a "natural process".
He added: "His age is weighing on him. At this age my brother wants more rest."
The Pope is not expected to take part in the conclave that will choose his successor, and will then retire to the papal residence at Castel Gandolfo when he leaves office.
Father Lombardi said the Pope would then move into a renovated monastery used by cloistered nuns inside the Vatican, for "a period of prayer and reflection".
'Full freedom'
At 78, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was one of the oldest new popes in history when elected.
He took the helm as one of the fiercest storms the Catholic Church has faced in decades - the scandal of child sex abuse by priests - was breaking.
In a statement, the pontiff said: "After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
"I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.
"However, in today's world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to steer the ship of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfil the ministry entrusted to me.
"For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is."
A theological conservative before and during his time as Pope, he has taken traditional positions on homosexuality and women priests, while urging abstinence instead of blessing the use of contraceptives.
His attempts at inter-faith relations were mixed, with Muslims, Jews and Protestants all taking offence at various times, despite ongoing efforts to reach out and visits to key holy sites, including those in Jerusalem.
A German government spokesman said he was "moved and touched" by the surprise resignation of the pontiff.
"The German government has the highest respect for the Holy Father, for what he has done, for his contributions over the course of his life to the Catholic Church.
"He has left a very personal signature as a thinker at the head of the Church, and also as a shepherd."
The Spanish daily El Mundo says Benedict XVI will be remembered as "God's sweeper" - the man who tried to resolve the "numerous problems of the Church that did so much harm to its image".
The editor of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, Bernd Riegert, calls the Pope's move "a courageous step, a revolutionary step". "He has helped himself to freedom, he is setting boundaries. No longer will successors be able to cling onto their office."